
Category statistics

Category Players * Games Played Left Goals Goals per game Nations
M 2012 (and younger) 27 7 7 0 102 14.57 Austria
M 2010 (and younger) 50 8 8 0 178 22.25 Austria Switzerland Germany
M 2008 (and younger) 33 13 12 1 237 19.75 Austria Italy
Spezial 0 1 1 0 11 11.0 Austria
W 2012 (and younger) 46 18 18 0 271 15.05 Austria Poland
W 2010 (and younger) 21 19 19 0 370 19.47 Austria Poland
W 2008 (and younger) 9 7 7 0 115 16.42 Austria Italy
  * This is the number of players registered electronically, the actual number could be higher.