You are viewing the results for 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2023. View the current results for 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2024 here.

7 DROPS WAT Atzgersdorf

Medals 2023:
(Playoff A)
2024: 2
Medals 2023:
(Playoff B)
2024: 1
2024: 1
7 DROPS WAT Atzgersdorf was one of 19 clubs from Austria that had teams playing during 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2023. They participated with 5 teams in MJ 2011 (and younger), MJ 2009 (and younger), WJ 2011 (and younger), WJ 2009 (and younger) and WJ 2007 (and younger) respectively. Four teams played until Final in Finale; WJ 2007 (and younger) won over Szombathelyi KKA by 20-19, WJ 2011 (and younger) lost against Szombathelyi KKA by 4-21, MJ 2009 (and younger) lost against WAT Fünfhaus 1 by 7-8 and WJ 2009 (and younger) lost against Szombathelyi KKA by 15-19.

7 DROPS WAT Atzgersdorf originates from Wien, which is the same city as where 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier takes place. The area around Wien does also provide 10 additional clubs participating during 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2023 (UHC Tulln, UHC Gänserndorf, Union Tigers Korneuburg, WAT Fünfhaus, Handball Mödling, UHC Stockerau, HC FIVERS WAT Margareten, MGA Fivers, Union West Wien and Hypo Niederösterreich).

31 games played


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