You are viewing the results for 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2023. View the current results for 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2024 here.

UHC Gänserndorf WJ07

Registration number: 1018
Registrator: Johannes Hahn
Primary shirt color: Blue
Secondary shirt color: White
Leader: Johannes Hahn
Mario Schmid
Third place and the bronze medal of Playoff A
3:rd highest goal count per game among the teams in WJ07 (10.6)
UHC Gänserndorf was one of 19 clubs from Austria that had teams playing during 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2023. They participated with one team in WJ 2007 (and younger).

In addition to UHC Gänserndorf, 8 other teams from 3 different countries played in WJ 2007 (and younger). They were divided into 2 different groups, whereof UHC Gänserndorf could be found in Group A together with Südtiroler Handballauswahl, ALPLA HC Hard wU16 (AK) and MGA Fivers.

UHC Gänserndorf comes from Gänserndorf which lies approximately 33 km from Wien, where 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier takes place. The area around Gänserndorf does also provide six additional clubs participating during 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2023 (Union Tigers Korneuburg, WAT Fünfhaus, 7 DROPS WAT Atzgersdorf, HC FIVERS WAT Margareten, MGA Fivers and Union West Wien).

5 games played


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