You are viewing the results for 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2023. View the current results for 31. Internationales Schmelzturnier 2024 here.

UHC Tulln WJ07

Registration number: 1015
Registrator: Heinz Vincze-Dolinsky
Primary shirt color: Red
Leader: Mödritscher Andreas
In addition to UHC Tulln, 8 other teams from 3 different countries played in WJ 2007 (and younger). They were divided into 2 different groups, whereof UHC Tulln could be found in Group B together with 7 DROPS WAT Atzgersdorf, Szombathelyi KKA, GKL Frauenhandball Krems-Langenlois and Union St. Pölten Handball Frauen.

8 games played


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